PaperWeek FLASH: Energy Program

The Energy track will run 3 technical sessions from Monday to wednesday in the afternoon, as well as a Workshop on Thursday afternoon.

SESSION 1, Monday February 6, 12:30 ET- Energy Efficiency Programs/Incentives and Impacts

A discussion around presentations by:
• Hydro-Québec – Bernard Bégin
• NB Power – Spencer Devereaux
• BC Hydro – Hansi Liu-Atkinson
• NRCan – Serge Bédard

SESSION 2, Tuesday February 7, 12:30 ET- Energy & Process

12:30 “Integration of Carbon Capture in a Kraft Pulp Mill Operating Large-scale Lignin Extraction”, Elin Svenson & Henrik Skoglund, Chalmers University
13:00 “Lime Kiln Fuel Switching- the Canadian context”, Kurt Woytiuk, FPInnovations
13:30 “A Look at the Process Energy Needs, Bioenergy and GHG emissions related to Lignin Extraction”, Jawad Jeaidi, CanmetENERGY

SESSION 3, Wednesday February 8, 12:30 ET- Energy & Information Technology / Systems

12:30 “Digital Decision Support Tools for Improved Control Systems and Energy Efficiency in P&P mills”, Hakim Ghezzaz, CanmetENERGY
13:00 “Successful implementation of Digital Twin technology on energy systems”, Benoit Janvier, Enero Solutions
13:30 “Energy management systems”, Peter Bassett, EPS
14:00 “Achieving the best temperature control for your Steam Turbine bypass system”, Michael Rak, HORA/Armour Valve

SESSION 4, Thursday February 9, 12:30 ET- Energy EXPLORE Workshop

A multivariate data analysis tool that transforms existing data into valuable information and knowledge to help understand and improve process operation. Improvements can be achieved through process variability reduction, troubleshooting, process monitoring, soft sensors, and enhanced process control.

Visit for details on program and registration

Register now for the event and start benefiting from the networking platform on MSTeams one week prior to the start of the conference!